Sidney Coleman and the legacy of Quantum Field theory
Often described as a physicist's physicist, Sidney Coleman is regarded as one of the greatest teacher of Modern Theoretical Physics (as well as being one of it's greatest practictioners during the 20th century).
His Harvard course on Quantum Field Theory has been synonymous within the field of theoretical high energy physics, for being clear, concise and most importantly understandable. This last attribute, led many to herald him as an engaging and dedicated teacher, whose methods have long been the gold standard for teaching in theoretical physics.
For many years, this exceptional course has only been accessible through rather grainy recordings from the 1970s; or more recently, a typed up transcript of the lecture course, from meticulously kept hand written notes from one of the teaching assistant.
This newly published edition is culmination of the later transcription as well as notes, memories and recollections of a whole host of Physics- 253a alumni (which rather unsurprisingly, included many of the future leaders in the field). The new edition provides fuller explanations for content as well as sample questions from Coleman's own course, thus completing this beautiful preservation of his work.
The lecture series (which at this point was designed nearly 50 years ago) still holds up. One would be hard pressed to find clearer, more digestible explanations. This illustrates Coleman's complete command, understanding and mastery over the material presented.
Coleman's approach still is unparalleled in the current year, and in my opinion is yet to be fully eclipsed in the present day. Thus making the text, useful and instructive to a new generation of students.
The best aspect of this text, is the immense love that radiates from its pages. This text is best described as a love letter and tribute to Coleman, which is surely deserved.
Lectures of Sidney Coleman on Quantum Field Theory
Price: £ 80.00
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